Thursday, 1 July 2010

D-Day minus 8

Knitwits Yarns

We leave for our epic cycling/knitting adventure a week tomorrow and, suddenly, there's loads to do, emails are flying around, FB's frantically dyeing wool for customers and it's all getting a bit crazy!

We're in the local paper today under a wonderful headline: "Are They Knits?" - brilliant!

All my boys are off to the gym tonight for a bit of a session so I can "train" in front of the telly in peace and quiet - bliss.

The weather has turned in Cornwall today and the rain has come - much needed so mustn't complain - I only hope that G is sorting potatoes in a shed and not outside. Am also praying that it gets it over and done with so the sun comes out when we/they're cycling. Lots of lovely visitors have been in today because of the weather - it's always great to meet people from all over the world, all with a common passion!

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