Sunday, 15 August 2010

Patterns Galore!

Knitwits Yarns

I worked late last night (Saturday) inputting patterns - don't say I don't do my best for you! There are new patterns in Life Prints DK (as always on our site, patterns are down the left hand side of the yarn pages) - I particularly like these two:

Also patterns in Life Super Chunky - here's a quick sample:

and for children:

and even two for men:

Finally, we have patterns for the new "Phases" yarn:

and for children:

More new yarns to follow this week - it's that time of year!

On the cycling front - the boys went for a "blast" yesterday and FB knocked 17 minutes off his time for their usual circuit. He was chuffed to bits and obviously is fitter now, having done 967 miles, than he was before (even with the weight gain, which is still smarting a bit). We have had one suggestion in from someone who has friends who did "900 miles in 9 days through 9 countries". That would take some route planning but would, basically, be a blast around 9 European countries within close proximity of each other. We toyed with plans last night but I'm slightly concerned about the huge possibilities for me getting lost!!

A friend sent us this link:

about Mamils - Middle Aged Men in Lycra - brilliant!! Can't think who he's thinking of ..........

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