Wednesday, 19 February 2014

New Yarns From King Cole (Moods and Moods Duet) plus Blanket Update

Knitwits Yarns

There isn't ever a time when new yarns aren't arriving or on the horizon but the two times of year when new stuff starts piling in is, of course, spring and autumn.

The first new yarn(s) for 2014 are Moods and Moods Duet from King Cole - plus new colours in Bamboo Cotton.  Before I move onto the Moods I have to say that if you haven't knitted with Bamboo Cotton yet then you need to!!  It's one of our best-selling yarns and one of King Cole's best too (if not the best).  I know it's a summer yarn (in theory) but, trust me, you'll be wearing it winter too!  Who can resist this lovely pattern in it:

or this:

(although that second one would swamp me but I'm seriously tempted by the first).  Reminder to self - Tom is going to University this September, not next.

Anyhoo, new colours in Bamboo Cotton are these:

And so to Moods and Moods Duet - two similar yarns but with totally different effects.  Moods Duet:

which knits like this:

and this:

and Moods:

which, as you can see, has flecks in it and knits like this:

and this:

I think this is going to be a really popular yarn (judging from initial reactions here in the shop) - it's a nice make-up of 30% wool, 70% acrylic, knits well and has a good yardage, which makes it very economical.  It's also a standard DK weight so will knit to your favourite DK patterns as well as its own.  What's not to love?!

On the blanket front, I rattled along over the weekend and added 19 more squares, bringing the total to 55 (average 5.5 per day).  Then knitted 10 more on Monday - grand total of 65 squares (average 5.9 per day) - yay!  Since then haven't knitted another one! - went to the cinema last night (again) so no knitting completed.  Average per day now = 5.4.  Hey ho, look on the bright side - there are 65 more squares on it than there were at the start of the Olympics - that's about 4 more rows.  And there are still a few more days to go!

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