Monday, 22 February 2010

Knitwits Yarns

TCG is progressing apace - am now on the patterned section for the second sleeve. If it's not pouring or snowing tomorrow I'll try and take a picture.

I spent yesterday digging out the understairs cupboard. Every house has its glory (gory?) hole/general dumping ground and our understairs cupboard was ours. I actually took before and after photos but FB was so appalled at the thought of our revolting cupboard being available for public scrutiny that he refused to format the photos. The "after" photo looks great but there's not much point in publishing that (a washing machine and a few coats/shoes in a cupboard) if you haven't seen the full horror before.

In the midst of it I also discovered that our washing machine outlet pipe was leaking (and probably has been for some time) so fixed that as well - dry as a bone now - if you need a plumber's mate, I'm your girl.

The charity shops have gained a sackful of our old/small coats and jackets and two sacks went in the bin. Next week, G wants us to tackle their old bookcase on the landing - this sorting bug must be catching .............. and, no, I'm not free to come and sort out your gory holes next weekend - you'll feel really good when you've done them, believe me.

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