Saturday, 23 January 2010

Dishcloth Knitting

Knitwits Yarns

Conversation between Tracey and myself earlier this week:

Tracey, "What are you knitting with that dishcloth cotton?"

Me, "A dishcloth"...........

The new, chilled, less stressed me has taken to spring cleaning the house with enthusiasm. This is delighting and worrying my family in equal measure. To be blunt, I'm not renowned for being the tidiest person in the world - not because I'm lazy but I just can't see the point in putting something away when I'm going to need it again tomorrow.

We do have a weekly cleaner but she's given up with the tidying and, frankly, I can't blame her. So last week I blitzed the boys' bathroom and this week it's the kitchen. Specifically, the kitchen floor. We have a very large kitchen (as seen in photos of kilos of wool drying in front of the Aga), with a wooden floor. We also have 2 boys who come and go in wellies en route to the chicken run and we have 3 cats. Tina (the cleaner) does her best but there are some pretty nasty ingrained unidentified, unidentifiable "things" stuck in the floor and I'm removing them tomorrow, along with the cobwebs down the side of the fridge etc, etc, etc.

So my brain was thinking - what I really need is a really good, really strong, textured cloth to clean the nasties off with. "Bing!!!" - knit a discloth out of dishcloth cotton - that'll do it and it'll fulfil the "knit more" New Year's Resolution. So - it's now Saturday late afternoon and I have 2" of dishcloth knitted. Lots of knitting tonight or no clean floor ............. no pressure.

And as for Tracey? Well - she's knitted a fantastic Debbie Bliss short cardi in 3 colours for the shop and she has about 6 hours of sewing in of ends to do tonight - think I prefer the dishcloth!

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