Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Knitwits Yarns knitwitspenzance.co.uk

It is with deep regret that I have to announce there are no pictures of cute chickens today. As ever, it's all down to computers. The FB's caught a virus (hanging by their nether regions is too good for the morons who seem to think it's "cool" to pass these destructive things on - the same people, presumably, who winge when the cost of living goes up and refuse to recognise the cost of a) avoiding these things and then b) removing them when they do get through will, obviously, be passed on to them, the consumer). The virus has now been found and destroyed but the computer came back from the computer hospital with all sorts of bits either missing or not working. It's now back in out-patients being fiddled with and, hopefully, normal service will resume tomorrow. (For those of you who haven't realised it by now, I am not massively computer literate and all photos are re-formatted by FB at home before being passed on to me for publication - long winded I know and at some point I guess I'm going to have to learn but, in the meantime, it keeps FB out of mischief.)

It's a strange thing when you're without a computer - FB feels like he's had his right hand cut off - anyone who has, in fact, lost their right hand will, no doubt, disagree with that but you know what I mean.

So, computerless, he's been down in the dye house dyeing wool - yummy - which is good as it's sunny at the moment so we can dry it outside.

He's also been moving chicken Mum and her three babies into their new home and run. My Mother-in-law drew the short straw and picked Mum up and got considerably pecked for her effort - ungrateful chicken!

I've been uploading the latest batch of buttons - pretty mother-of-pearls here (scroll down for the new ones) - here's a sample:

pretty new toggles here and here's a sample:

and Peter Rabbit and Tom Kitten here (oh, yes!):

If you get a chance, do check out our buttons - we have loads - a small sample of which are on-line (and growing all the time) - thanks FB for the photos!

Hopefully, chicken pics tomorrow (keep everything crossed) and, also, Lewis isn't looking brilliant so send up some chicken prayers for him, if you can. There'll be tears if he doesn't make it.

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